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Combating Poverty and Inequality in the European Union: A Unified Approach

Social Insights Blog

Combating Poverty and Inequality in the European Union: A Unified Approach

Amidst the European Union's (EU) ambitious goals, addressing the persistent issues of poverty and inequality stands out as a significant challenge that requires a unified and strategic approach. The disparities in income, opportunity, and access to essential services undermine the EU’s vision of cohesive growth and social solidarity. By enhancing education accessibility, harmonizing taxation policies, and strengthening social safety nets, the EU can create a sustainable framework to reduce these disparities. This blog explores these strategies, offering insights into how a coordinated effort can lead to a more equitable and prosperous European Union.

Tackling Regional Disparities: The Path to Equal Opportunities

The EU faces pronounced regional disparities that manifest in varied economic and social outcomes across its member states. These disparities are evident in the divergent levels of income, unemployment rates, and access to quality education and healthcare. For instance, while Western Europe boasts higher GDP per capita, regions in Eastern and Southern Europe often experience economic stagnation and lower standards of living.

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund are prime examples of the EU's commitment to reducing these disparities. By investing in infrastructure, research, and innovation, these funds help stimulate economic growth in less developed regions. For example, in the 2021-2027 period, cohesion policy will support, through its investments, the following five policy objectives:

  • a Smarter Europe, through innovation, digitization, economic transformation, and support to small and medium-sized businesses,
  •  a Greener, carbon-free Europe, implementing the Paris Agreement and investing in energy transition, renewables, and the fight against climate change,
  • a more Connected Europe, with strategic transport and digital networks,
  •  a more Social Europe, delivering on the European Pillar of Social Rights and supporting quality employment, education, skills, social inclusion and equal access to healthcare,
  •  a Europe closer to citizens, by supporting locally-led development strategies and sustainable urban development across the EU.

Further, the "EU Regional Social Progress Index" highlights the need for targeted investments in regions lagging in healthcare, education, and digital access. Addressing these gaps is crucial, as demonstrated by the successful revitalization of the Ruhr region in Germany, where EU funds supported the transition from a coal-dependent economy to a diversified, knowledge-based economy, significantly reducing local poverty rates and boosting employment.

Enhancing EU-Wide Social Safety Nets: Protecting the Vulnerable

robust social safety net is essential to protect individuals and families from the shocks of economic downturns and personal misfortune. EU-wide social safety nets can offer a buffer against poverty and help maintain social cohesion during crises. By standardizing minimum social welfare standards, the EU ensures that basic levels of support are accessible to all, irrespective of national boundaries.

The European Pillar of Social Rights is a landmark initiative aimed at strengthening these nets, with commitments to fair wages, access to healthcare, and unemployment benefits. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU's SURE program provided €100 billion to help member states protect jobs and workers. This initiative showcased how EU-wide mechanisms can support national economies in crisis and prevent a surge in poverty and unemployment.

Moreover, the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) for 2021-2027, with a budget of €142.7 billion, aims to support employment, education, and social inclusion. Programs funded under ESF+ investments have made significant strides in supporting vocational training in Spain, and will help Spain achieve its 2030 social targets under the European Pillar of Social Rights  by raising the employment rate to 76%, adult participation in education and training to 60% and by reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by over 2.8 million people.   

Harmonizing Taxation: A Strategy to Combat Inequality

Fiscal policy is a powerful tool in the fight against inequality. Disparities in taxation across the EU can lead to unequal economic conditions, with loopholes and varying rates creating environments conducive to tax evasion and avoidance. A harmonized approach to taxation can ensure a fair distribution of the tax burden and prevent the wealthiest individuals and corporations from exploiting inconsistencies to reduce their tax liabilities.

The proposed Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) is an ambitious EU initiative aimed at creating a single set of rules for calculating companies' taxable profits in the EU. By reducing administrative burdens and preventing aggressive tax planning, the CCCTB would not only enhance fairness but also support smaller businesses that currently face disproportionate tax challenges.

The impact of harmonized taxation can be seen in Denmark and Sweden, where progressive tax systems help fund extensive social services, contributing to low levels of poverty and high levels of social cohesion. These systems show that equitable taxation not only raises necessary revenues but also supports social welfare programs that are crucial for reducing inequality.

Additionally, the EU's efforts to combat tax havens within and outside its borders highlight the importance of coordinated action. By blacklisting non-cooperative jurisdictions and implementing anti-tax avoidance legislative and non-legislative initiatives, the EU is taking steps to ensure that all economic actors contribute their fair share, which is vital for funding social programs and reducing economic disparities.

Fostering a Cohesive and Equitable European Union

The battle against poverty and inequality in the European Union is multifaceted, requiring a holistic and coordinated approach. By addressing regional disparities through targeted investment, strengthening social safety nets to protect the most vulnerable, and harmonizing taxation policies to ensure fairness, the EU can build a more inclusive society. These strategies are not only about economic benefits but also about upholding the European ideals of solidarity and equality.

The success of these efforts will depend on the commitment of EU institutions and member states to work together and implement these policies effectively. Through sustained collaboration and dedication, the European Union can serve as a model for the world, demonstrating that it is possible to create a prosperous and equitable society through thoughtful and comprehensive strategies. This commitment to a unified approach will ensure that the EU remains a beacon of hope and a leader in addressing global challenges of poverty and inequality.

Tajra-Alina  Gušo

Tajra-Alina Gušo


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